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Category: Around the Network

The Political Theology Network is pleased to spread the word about conferences, calls for papers, and other announcements that fall within the wide ambit of political theology. If you’d like to share information about such an event, please contact us at [email protected].

Patriarchy and Political Theology Workshop

Why has political theology been so resistant to addressing questions of sex, gender, and sexuality in any serious way? Are there any intersections between queer feminist criticism and political theology, and what would it look like if the two methods were brought together?

Listen up! Call for submissions for our Inaugural Essay Contest

To whom should we, working in political theology, listen, and how?

Aww Schmitt! A Call for Participants

Join a reading group sponsored by the Political Theology Network treating a classic text.

The Praxis of Organizing by Two American Muslims

“Organizing is very hard work. You might not see a result right away. But with enough education and consistency you can move the needle. And it also shows how refugee and immigrant communities, with the right information and with time, they become parts of the community.”

Christianity and Democracy after Trump

Many white evangelicals seem not to realize that American democracy has also been good for American Christianity and that too close an association between worldly and spiritual power will ultimately diminish both.

From Prison to Public Theology in Ethiopia, Part II

I have hopes that a more “religionless” but publicly engaged Christianity is possible.

The Political Theology of the Reformation

As fruitful as this occasion can be for increasing broader awareness of the Reformation’s historical importance, such an outpouring of publications aimed at a more popular audience can run the risk of breathing new life into over-simplistic grand narratives.

From Prison to Public Theology in Ethiopia, Part I

We should be defined by how we handle our differences, not by our differences.

Political Theology, Volume 19, Issue 4, May 2018 is now available

New essays by Anthony M. Bateza, John Witte Jr., Matthew J. Tuininga, Joan Lockwood O’Donovan, and Elisabeth Rain Kincaid look back to the political theologies active in the European Reformations.

Remembering James Cone

A life dedicated wholeheartedly to paradox, necessarily lived in opposition to the ways of the world: this is what we have lost.

Join the team!

Like the changes you’ve seen lately at the Political Theology Network? Want to be a part of them? We’re recruiting.