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The Politics of the Communication of the Truth—1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 (Alastair Roberts)

The Apostle Paul’s discussion of the dynamics of his gospel ministry in relation to the Thessalonian Christians offers us arresting images for considering the reality of the truth and the bonds of trust by which societies are formed and held together.

The Politics of Taking a Knee—Matthew 22:15-22 (Fritz Wendt)

Jesus’ trick answer to the Pharisees concerning the paying of taxes to Caesar speaks to the Christian’s appropriate posture to American Civil Religion, which has been provoked into a fuller revelation of itself by Colin Kaepernick’s protest.

The Politics of a Cast Image—Exodus 32:1-14 (J. Leavitt Pearl)

The divine prohibition upon images in the Torah rested in part upon the fact that idols take the place that belongs to human beings as those created in the image of God. What idols occupy such a position in society today?