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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

The Death of a Fascist Does Not Mean the Death of Fascism: A Storied and Theological Plea for Non-Violent, Disruptive Anti-Fascism

…the cover of the book in my brother’s hands—a black and white photo of what appears to be a fascist rally with a sea of people raising their right hands—she…

European Refugee Crisis Challenges Continent’s Most Hallowed Principles and Values

…make me alive when I was a dead person. Still a practicing Muslim, I underwent nothing short of a miracle, to find myself again. I was dead, but when I…

Performing Indifference: On Atheism and Political Theology

…in the shadow of Christianity. Nietzsche might have recognized such a tendency, when he elliptically opined in The Gay Science, “After Buddha was dead people showed his shadow for centuries afterwards…

Looking for Seeds amid Stumps

…one of the crucial motors of ecological renewal. Dead stumps are destined once again to become thriving trees. This duality of the stump as both remnant of death and cradle…

The Tree Is Always Known By Its Fruit

…into your assembly, and if a poor person in dirty clothes also comes in, 3 and if you take notice of the one wearing the fine clothes and say, “Have a seat…

The Politics of Living Consistently—2 Corinthians 5:6–10, (11–13), 14–17 (Stephen Dawson)

…make it our aim to please him. 10For all of us must appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense for what has been done…

Viral Sovereignty

…at risk of deadly infection. If this is not an exception, I’m not sure what is. Exceptional politics—the verdant soil of political theology from Weimar Germany to post 9/11 United…


…the death that occasions grief, but grievous ways of living that submerge perception of pain and loss in a sense of inevitability. In Banerjee’s words, “The dead haunt us to…

Gratuitous Violence

…as socially dead in relation to the rest of the world” (Red, White, and Black, 17-18). Wilderson’s use of the terms “a priori” and “contingency” to describe the “appear[ance]” of…

CFP: The American Election 2012: Contexts and Consequences

…e-mail, [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is 8 December 2012. Within four weeks after the deadline, the organizers will notify all those who submitted proposals of their decisions. Please be…

Uncertain Hope

…did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. 10Then the disciples returned to their homes. 11But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she…

Are We ISIS? (Ian Almond)

“When all the women were dead, the jihadists burned their bodies inside the houses. After they had finished with the women, the jihadists went back to …where they had locked…