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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

<strong>Reclaiming Negritude in African Political Theology</strong>

…and reimagines the deadly Eucharist that has characterized the relations between Africa and the west and, in fact, the rest of the world. Black Hosts not only thinks African political…

Flashback – For Black Lives There Can Be No Peace Without Justice (Vincent Lloyd)

…are invested in the world – and I mean this quite literally, financially – peace seems enforceable. We have the deadly luxury of ignoring the violence we commit and the…

Fetishism, The Study Of Religion, And The Colonial Imagination (Roger Green)

…copresences: Among the spirits of the dead slaves, Santería priests, and ethnographers, what has been written also haunts us. Reading Santería copresence through ethnographic diffraction, then, might allow us to…

Weird John Brown: A Response to Cavanaugh, Day, Holifield, Murphy, and Ochs (by Ted Smith)

…makes possible. There is a close bond between the absence of Jesus (dead and not present) and the birth of the Christian language (objective and faithful testimony to his survival).[i]…

The Church after DOMA–Thomas J. Bushlack

…the case to trial in an attempt to force state officials to uphold Proposition 8 did not have standing to do so. The decision effectively makes Proposition 8 a dead

<em>Political Theology</em> Journal Open House and FAQ

…initial deadline, but we understand if things come up) to revise your manuscript and resubmit it to the portal.  Depending on the decision returned from the reviewers, your revised manuscript…

Following the Crucified One—Mark 8:31—9:9

…ordered them to tell no one about what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. In Shūsaku Endō’s 1966 novel “Silence” (Chinmoku), the…

CFA – PTN Dissertation Workshop

…paper related to your dissertation topic that you would like the workshop to discuss Deadline: Please e-mail these materials to [email protected] by November 6, 2020.  Recipients will be notified by December 4, 2020.  PTN-Diss-Workshop-CFP-2020Download…

Memory, #BlackLivesMatter, and Theologians — M. Shawn Copeland

…our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.”[4] The movement’s innovative grass roots organizing style builds upon and supports self-empowerment, decision-making, and liberatory action by black people and those allied…

Trustworthy Testimony

…facts” entered the U.S. lexicon, before bots spreading falsehoods became a routine part of public life, before information about a global pandemic became politicized to deadly extremes. What does it…

Converging on Sarajevo: The Third International Conference of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church

…bright red painted patterns of depressions in the sidewalks where mortar shells hit, dispersed shrapnel, and killed and maimed those in proximity. They now witness as memorials to the dead,…

America’s Guns, the Golden Calf — James Atwood

…been deceived by the idols of power and deadly force. The day is coming when all the nations will testify that security and peace are God’s gifts, and are not…