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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

To Love and To Disagree—Mark 12:28-34

…tendencies, particularly in light of this week’s deadly attack on a US synagogue in Pennsylvania, it is important to let that sink in. Jesus’ answer to the scribe’s question—what Christian…

Announcement – Theology of Liberation and Decolonial Thought Summer School

…from Decolonial Thought and Theology of Liberation to the secular/religion binary of modernity? The application deadline is March 1, 2020. Please visit the website to apply and for further information….

Squaring the Exceptional and the Normative? A Realist Response to Kahn’s Political Theology

…political theology which suggests the two are irredeemably separate. I do not want to reach the political dead end (or at least no conclusion) offered by Schmitt and implicitly by…

Call for Papers: Beyond Habermas? A Special Issue of “The European Legacy”

…Cooke, Al. Ferrara, R. Dworkin, etc.). Deliberation, interreligious dialogue, and the limits of integration. Extended Deadline: 07/03/2016 (the special issue is scheduled to appear in 2016). Scholars who intend to…

…Easter’s Good News is that God is neither dead nor absent nor banished. God is already way ahead of us. *********************************** Sharon M. Temple is a United Church of Christ…

…its predatory rival by long reputation, is actually one of the biggest exploiters of low-wage workers overseas. Hypocrisy always far more deadly than outward evil-doing, and “progressives” of all stripes…

Condemning Unjust Kings—2 Samuel 11:26—12:13a

26When the wife of Uriah heard that her husband was dead, she made lamentation for him. 27When the mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house, and…

Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race Conference

…and practices too often are at variance with the social urgencies of the day. The deadline for submitting papers has already passed, but please do pass on information about this…

Of Police, Riots, and Sin (R. Ward Holder)

…in their own ways, from leaving a dead man-child in the street for four hours and a grand jury process designed not to indict, to the killing of a man…

Senate Resolution on Yemen is Justified by Just War Principles

…many more. The war has also contributed to a famine leaving 50,000 dead and over 10 million people at risk of starvation. In addition, Saudi forces have been involved in…

…Sadaam is dead. The United States is represented by armed forces who seek to make the place safe by force and unarmed bureaucrats who seek to make it safe by…

Social Media and the Surveillance State

…who days later was found dead in Rhode Island), through the process of “crowdsourcing,” the discovery of information through the contributions of an online community, in this case through the…