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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

…with our Christmas liturgical season just underway we may well benefit from returning to the most prolific early Christian writer, Paul. There has been a long-standing tendency in Pauline studies…

Healing as a Metaphor? An Interview with Laura Levitt

…were accompanying her in her searching and consideration of the book’s themes. She writes in the text, “This is not a history. This book operates on an associative logic. It…

Aime Césaire

sea of impressions and images. At the same time I felt a deep anguish over the prospects for Martinique.  He mostly resided in Paris for the ten years he was…

In Memoriam:                                                                      Metropolitan John D. Zizioulas and the Journey of Theology Toward the Future

…Environmental Ethic,” in The Adriatic Sea, a Sea at Risk, a Unity of Purpose, ed. N. Ascherson and An Marshall (Athens: Religion, Science and the Environment, Text Publications, 2003), 93-101….

The Theo-politics of Radical Democracy: An Interview with Jeffrey W. Robbins (Part 2)

…that these emerging forms of evangelicalism fit seamlessly with the culture of late capitalism. Connolly has called this the “evangelical-capitalist resonance machine.” My point, then, in talking about the democratization…

Identification with the Remainder—Luke 15.1–10

…sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbours, saying, “Rejoice with me, for I have found the…

On “Blessedness”

Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is…

The Politics of Water: Exodus 17:1-7 (Timothy Simpson)

…of an otherwise barren landscape. The centerpiece of the Nile, however, is its delta, which, at a length of about 90 miles fans out to drain into the Mediterranean Sea

“When shall we be free?” Conceptualizing Freedom in Orthodox Christianity

…of the inner type of freedom can produce a withdrawal from the world or an attitude of passivity towards its frustrating circumstances, particularly when the believer searches for real freedom…

Troubling Islamophobia: Redefining the Conversation on Anti-Muslim Violence

…relational in its analysis. It cannot be used to sloppily denote a universal Muslim victimhood, for that too easily lends itself to a sinister cooptation by the seats of power….

Books We Love, Part 2

…fueled by middle-class moralism and what Leslie Fiedler aptly called the “Cult of Slimness.” Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century Snyder’s short book seamlessly integrates historical…

The Sacred IS the Profane, Part 2–Russell McCutcheon

…sociologist of religion, Max Weber (1864-1920), and the Protestant theologian, Paul Tillich (1886-1965), the phrase “religion and culture” is today widely used (confirmed by a quick Google search for the…