![The Political Theology Syllabi Project: Michael McCurry and Kris Norris](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/White_House_Washington_DC-600x600.jpg)
For nearly two decades, Wesley Theological Seminary has sponsored the National Capital Semester for Seminarians (NCSS), a program which immerses students from Wesley and other seminaries around the country in the politics and policymaking of Washington and the ways people of faith intersect in those spaces. When Dr. Shaun Casey, the long time coordinator of the program, left to join the faith outreach office at the U.S. Department of State upon request of Secretary of State John Kerry, I stepped in to help direct the program.
![The Political Theology Syllabi Project: Inese Radzins](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/walk_sacred_profane_8-600x600.jpg)
My interest in teaching a course on Political Theology came from my research on Simone Weil. I wanted to understand how the area of political theology could help me interpret Weil’s oeuvre, which often focuses on the intersection of politics and religion. To that end I decided to teach a course in the Fall of 2011 that would explore the historic development of the concept “political theology.” The course would consider how the western tradition has “thought” the intersection of politics/theology.
![The Political Theology Syllabi Project: Paul Heck](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Georgetown_University_-24-e1429209480528-600x600.jpg)
…I still seek to introduce the students, now grads, to the range of political formulations in Islam, but in contrast to the undergraduate version of the course, we also look to political theology as a method for thinking about politics. Why? And How? After all, political theology is really a product of the Christian West. Does it have applicability in other contexts?
![The Political Theology Syllabi Project: Devin Singh](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Connecticut_Hall-600x600.jpg)
This course was conceived as a way to introduce undergraduates to the conversation about religion and politics in Western tradition. I wanted to give them a broad historical overview, with in-depth selections or snapshots to get at ways the relation between religious and political spheres has been conceived in different historical moments.
![Conference Announcement: Religion and Labor: Moral Vision from/for the Grassroots](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/labor-movement-600x600.jpg)
Labor leaders and scholars from around the world are gathering for a two-day symposium in Syracuse, New York, to explore how the moral resources within religious traditions can invigorate labor activism and struggles for labor justice. The symposium will bring together ethicists, theorists, theologians, historians, and others to foster a dialogue intended both to deepen scholarly conversations around these issues and to promote greater intellectual depth for faith-based labor organizing. The conference will be held at Syracuse University and Le Moyne College on April 10-11. Registration is free and all are welcome.
![Call for Papers: Intellectual Virtue, Religion, and Civil Discourse](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/prudence-500x600.jpg)
Call for Papers: Political Theology has expressed interest in publishing a special issue on the theme of intellectual virtue and civil discourse (subject to editors’ and referees’ approval). Due date: June 15, 2015.
Intellectual virtues are commendable traits of thought that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and understanding. Public discourse would be much better off when citizens exercise such virtues, it seems.
![Call for Papers: Political Theology—The Liberation of the Postsecular?](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/liverpool-hope-600x600.jpg)
The Association for Continental Philosophy of Religion is pleased to announce an upcoming conference at Liverpool Hope University, UK, on July 10-12, 2015 exploring the theme: “Political Theology: The Liberation of the Postsecular.”
![CFP: Kierkegaard and Political Theology](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Vancouver_ib-600x600.jpg)
Meeting of the Political Theology Group to be held with the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, April 1- April 5, 2015, at The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver.
![CFP: Postliberalism, Individualism, and Society](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/University_of_Manchester_-_Whitworth_Building-e1403629080187-600x600.jpg)
The Lincoln Theological Institute at the University of Manchester invites paper proposals for its upcoming conference, “Postliberalism, Individualism, and Society” (Jul. 11-12, 2014). For those wishing to attend, registration for this conference is now open via the online booking page. See the conference flyer here.
![The Political Theology Syllabi Project: Dana Hollander](https://politicaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/McMaster_University_-_University_Hall_tower_and_archway-600x600.jpg)
In the academic setting of Religious Studies, developing curricular spaces in which to thematize the relationship of religion and politics is a highly effective way both to engage undergraduate students, and to tap into and develop the research interests of graduate students. Over the past several years, I have developed courses at both levels in this area.