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Tag: Lectionary

The Politics of Dishonest Wealth—Luke 16:1-13 (Alastair Roberts)

As in the case of the unjust steward in Luke 16, a radical change in our handling of money is required, if we are to survive the great day of accounting that is to come. We must use the limited time and opportunity remaining to us to escape the clutches of our greed and expend our dirty money to pursue true and incorruptible riches.

The Politics of Foolishness—Psalm 14 (D. Mark Davis)

Psalm 14:1, though popularly employed to dismiss non-theists as foolish, is principally targeted against practical atheism, against those who believe that justice is without force in the universe and that all that matters is power.

The Politics of Budgeting—Luke 14:25-33 (Amy Allen)

Jesus calls us to count the cost, to engage in an act of budgeting, when embarking upon the path of discipleship. Yet this budgeting occurs within a logic of abundance, not one of scarcity.

The Politics of the Table—Luke 14:1; 7-14 (Alastair Roberts)

The meal table is a political site, where new manners, communities, and values are cultivated. In his radical teaching concerning proper conduct at feasts, Jesus unsettles prevailing social politics and calls us to transform our behavior to correspond to the inbreaking order of his kingdom.

The Politics of Approach—Hebrews 12:18-29 (Kevin McCruden)

The promise of a future festal gathering, depicted in the book of Hebrews, informs the current life of the people of God. It frames life as a pilgrimage towards a destination that have been enabled to approach through the work of Christ.

The Politics of Unity, Division, and Discernment—Luke 12:49-56 (Richard Davis)

Jesus, against our expectations, comes to bring division in places where unity formerly existed. He calls us to be attentive to the way the winds of our age are blowing.

The Politics of a Homeland—Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 (Amy Allen)

The quest for a homeland and the experience of being a stranger and an alien—a refugee—in the world is central to the calling of the faithful in Hebrews 11. This reality should remain integral to our self-understanding as the people of God today.

The Politics of the Mist—Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23 (Alastair Roberts)

In the radical changeability and uncertainty of our world, the collapse of our political projects and the apparent futility of our labors can tempt us to despair. Ecclesiastes grapples with these difficulties and presents ways in which to maintain hope within the vapor of our lives.

The Politics of Divine Judgment and Mercy—Genesis 18:20-32 (Alastair Roberts)

In the narrative of Abraham’s conversation with God concerning the destruction of Sodom we find an example of the faithful fulfilment of the calling of the people of God. We are to be those who seek to preserve the world from condemnation by our righteous and life-giving presence within it, tenaciously refusing to abandon it to its destruction.

The Politics of Christ, the Beginning—Colossians 1:15-28 (Alastair Roberts)

In a powerful hymn of praise, Paul discloses the truth that must lie at the heart of all Christian political theology: Christ the first in and over all of the creation.

The Politics of Asking the Right Question—Luke 10:25-37 (D. Mark Davis)

In response to a question designed to test him, Jesus presents a lawyer with a series of questions in response, which evade his trap and undermine the lawyer’s attempts at self-vindication. Through his conversation, he reveals the importance of asking the right question.

The Politics of Bringing Peace—Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 (Amy Allen)

God’s peace is a peace founded on life, rather than death. On relationship, rather than enmity. On engaging in and accepting mutual hospitality, rather than building walls of division.