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The Ascension and the Politics of Endurance

Contending against the dominion of sin and death requires the same wisdom and willing vulnerability that characterize Jesus. Exemplifying both of these characteristics means seeking a solidarity with the world’s plight while simultaneously refusing to assimilate to its norms of greed, selfishness, and domination.

Political Theology Network Conference: CFP Extended!

An updated date and call for the PTN Conference stream “Naming the Anthropos in Anthropocene: A Political Theology of (Hu)Man” has been released. See the call here.

Resisting Colonial Logic in Christian Thinking

As tempting as it might be to assign murderous impulses to so-called former colonial times, Christians would do well to pay attention to how such logic continues to operate today in theological and political thinking.

<strong>A Novel Braj Poetics of Sainthood: An Interview with Dalpat Singh Rajpurohit</strong>

The following includes an introduction and an excerpt from an interview by Prashant Keshavmurthy (Associate professor of Persian-Iranian Studies at McGill University) with Dalpat Singh Rajpurohit (Assistant professor of South Asian Studies at the University of Texas at Austin). The discussion features Rajpurohit’s new book, Sundar ke svapn: ārambhik ādhuniktā, Dādūpanth aur Sundardās kī kavitā (2022).

<strong>Hunger Strike</strong>

“Instead of neatly separating the forms of resistance to biosovereignty into life-affirming struggles and necroresistance and mapping them (and life and death) onto the reform/revolt dichotomy, I suggest that we conceive life and death as relational rather than oppositional categories. For every differentiation and intensification of death creates new possibilities of life; and every differentiation and intensification of life entails experiences of “death” that cannot be reduced to the power of one’s death.”

A Call to be ‘People of the Way’ in the Context of Jesus’ “I am the Way”

“Jesus’ “I am the way” is an opportunity for Christians to demonstrate the path of love to people…it doesn’t warrant any exclusion or hatred towards the other…”

The Politics of Jesus the Gate

The decoloniality of ‘Jesus the gate’ exists in building communities of love and trust today, emphasising “I am because we are” and in celebrating our relatedness with one another, transcending all barriers of identity.

Research and Me-Search: A Conversation with the new Catholic Re-Visions Conveners

As Catholic Re-Visions welcomes two new members to its leadership team, the three co-conveners sit down for a conversation about their backgrounds and the blog’s direction.

The Reasons for the Commandments: Premodern Jewish Self-Reflections on the Irrationality of Religion

If religious norms are considered to be rational, how are they different from secular ones? This essay revisits this question through the prism of the Jewish discourse of the reasons for the commandments.

Unlocking History’s Meaning

Scripture records the political history of the people of God, and if Jesus is the key to the Scripture he must also be the key that unlocks its political history.