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Russia’s Unfinished Symphony of Church and State

As the Orthodox Church resumes its central role in Russian life, Russia’s political and religious leaders engage in theological and pragmatic deliberations about the relationship between church and state.

Strength in Weakness—2 Corinthians 12:2-10

In a modern political milieu where leaders are choosing strength over heart, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 reminds us of Paul finding his strength through weakness.

Latin America and the problem of evangelical political theology

“So, this is the crossroad. It seems that evangelicals increasingly are at the same time in a quest for power and a lack of thought”

A Gift Received in the Giving—2 Corinthians 8:7-15

The clear distinction between the Christian works of mercy and generic social activism and charity work is often forgotten, leading to a fraught relationship between them and the Christian gospel message. In 2 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul offers us a better way.

Crossing Over to the Other Shore—Mark 4:35-41

Christ is the Lord of the storm. We can leave fear behind and cross over to the other shore.

Towards a Just-War Ethic for Cyber War: Defining Cyber Warfare

In Catholic circles, or even in the broader Christian community, there has been virtually no discussion of the ethics of cyber warfare. Does the Christian just-war tradition have anything to say about cyber warfare? Before any such discussion can take place, however, it is crucial to have an understanding of what we even mean by cyber warfare.

From Prison to Public Theology in Ethiopia, Part II

I have hopes that a more “religionless” but publicly engaged Christianity is possible.

Some Trust in Chariots—Psalm 20

In a world awash with weapons of death, perhaps it is time to focus on the trust we have in guns and violence and threats of violence, in whatever form. Psalm 20 might be a good place to begin.

The Political Theology of the Reformation

As fruitful as this occasion can be for increasing broader awareness of the Reformation’s historical importance, such an outpouring of publications aimed at a more popular audience can run the risk of breathing new life into over-simplistic grand narratives.

From Prison to Public Theology in Ethiopia, Part I

We should be defined by how we handle our differences, not by our differences.

Political Theology, Volume 19, Issue 4, May 2018 is now available

New essays by Anthony M. Bateza, John Witte Jr., Matthew J. Tuininga, Joan Lockwood O’Donovan, and Elisabeth Rain Kincaid look back to the political theologies active in the European Reformations.