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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Treating The Dead Sea Scrolls “Scientifically” Betrays The Imperial Impulse In Secularism

…or interest group for a Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. While I was charmed by what appeared to be genuine interest in the scrolls by members of the public asking questions…

The Reasons for the Commandments: Premodern Jewish Self-Reflections on the Irrationality of Religion

…violating the laws. The emphasis on law as key to Jewish identity is probably not entirely a novel rabbinic idea; the discovery of the dead sea scrolls, two-thousand-year-old documents written…

The Political Theology of Jesus’ Baptism: Towards a Counter-Cultural Lent

…to temple sacrifices and worship. During the second temple period, various groups adopted diverse immersion practices, particularly highlighted by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which indicated that the…

The Politics of Luke 3:7-18

…appearance in Luke. The Dead Sea Scrolls gave us a great deal of insight into what kind of socio-cultural factors went into making someone like John the Baptist, a man…

Authors’ Response

Sea Scrolls and unlike the Hashmonians, usually prefer the biblical term “Israel” for “Yehudi”, they used these as synonyms, and both stand in a binary relation to the goy; or…

Being ¡Presente! An Interview with Diana Taylor

…presence of the dead: how the dead become presente, how they haunt us, how they act, how they make claims upon us. The dead as presente also seem to play an important role…

<strong>Dream Life Book: On Susan Taubes’s <em>Divorcing</em></strong>

…movement is abrupt and associative rather than smoothly chronological. There is no dead time, yet the dead are everywhere. (I often dream my dead parents and brothers and sister–my surviving…

The Politics of the City and the Sea—Revelation 21:1-6 (Richard Davis)

…be destroyed, we ask: Why does the sea have to disappear? Can the relationship between the city and the sea be reconciled too? Will the new city include the sea?…

Michel Henry

…with Capital but with any abstraction and thus any theorizing, be it philosophical, theological, or political. Just as Capital deadens labor, Henry’s interpretation of politics identifies a corresponding deadening of…

The Politics of Crossing the Red Sea—Exodus 14:19-31 (Richard Davis)

…one did not come near the other all night. 21Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. The Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all…

…find in this week’s lection from Hosea 11. Along with Jonah and Nahum, Hosea is one of a very few prophetic texts written by someone from the northern kingdom in…

Only the Lamb is Worthy—Revelation 5:11-14

…creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing, “To the one seated on the throne and to…