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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Russia, America, and the Rebirth of History (Carl Raschke)

…envisioned, is not a billowing sea of tranquility, but a roiling tempest of forces. Adrift on such a dangerous ocean — within what Nietzsche termed the “horizon of the infinite”…

Hollywood Violence and Christ’s Kenotic Counter-Example (Jacob Given)

…example, caused quite a stir.[1] A more recent example of war violence is Eastwood’s American Sniper. This film follows Chris Kyle, the United States’ deadliest sniper, through his tours of…

War, Peace, and the Wesleyan Tradition’s Charism: to be “perfect in love in this lifetime”

…unique and definitive expression of God’s economy, of how God redeems the world, and if he were not bodily raised from the dead, then pacifism makes no sense for me….

…the 1960s we were confidently told that religion would probably be dead on its feet within a couple of generations. In spite of such predictions and the ongoing reductionist secularism…

Crip Time, Sacred Time, and Holding History

What do crip time and sacred time have in common? And what can they reveal to one another? In 1910, two girls we will call by the pseudonyms Ethel and…

The Laborers are Many, the Jobs are Few

…who goes in search of day laborers for his vineyard. The landowner, like any good entrepreneur, gets an early start. He likely hopes to secure the best of the bunch…

“Get Up and Eat”: The Political Act of Feeding—1 Kings 19:1–15a

…and through the desert, is symbolic of the many persons who migrate through harsh deserts and other lands in search of a place of safety and wellbeing. Such pursuits do…

The Politics of Retelling

…address the issues of the rising cost of living by investing in ploughshares and pruning hooks of agriculture so that food is available to all.  Advent is a season of…

Good-Hearted Small People Against Weapons of War

…were physically escaping slavery in Egypt and crossing the barrier of the Red Sea, Pharaoh, not wanting to let go of free labor, pursued them. The Bible records for readers…

The Politics of Sentinels—Isaiah 52:7-10 (Alastair Roberts)

…sleep. The Advent season is one of such expectant waiting, waiting for the great Sign of the world’s deliverance that Christmas brings. Yet for most the greatly anticipated appearance of…

…done. Organizations not only look outwards in their restless search for success. They also look inwards, scrutinizing for efficiency and productivity. Management comes to the fore here; but it is…

The Politics of Cosmic Praise—Psalm 148 (Alastair Roberts)

…worship of their common Creator. At the gesture of the psalmist, the great bass voices of the sea‘sea monsters and all deeps’—enter the song, then the soaring altos of the…