…a sign of a terminally ill society. In his novel Deadeye Dick(1982) the main character accidentally shoots and kills a pregnant woman and never recovers from the trauma. Today, mass shootings…
By Ari Colston

…the disciples after Jesus’ death and burial; and he asks, “Who will role away the stone [from the tomb]?” so that we may “rise up again.” With over 838,000 dead and…
By Eli McCarthy

…and consumerism • Keynesianism and Political Theology • Christian responses to Thatcherism • Christian responses to notions of limited-government. Deadline for Paper Submissions: July 2 Please send paper abstracts of…
By The Editors
…and adopted by our society to turn against each other. Rather than rejecting hatred, we have embraced it, such that now we even fear to mourn our dead in public…