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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Political Posturing or a Posture of Prayer?—John 12:1-8

Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 2There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus…

Sound Off: Recent Violence in Sacred Spaces

…a sign of a terminally ill society. In his novel Deadeye Dick(1982) the main character accidentally shoots and kills a pregnant woman and never recovers from the trauma. Today, mass shootings…

Global Health and Just Peace Ethic for Security Strategy in the COVID-19 pandemic

…the disciples after Jesus’ death and burial; and he asks, “Who will role away the stone [from the tomb]?” so that we may “rise up again.” With over 838,000 dead and…

Marie-Thérèse Lacaze and “The End of Promised Lands”

…that we had said and thought up to this point, was nothing but dead leaves. We needed to take a step back, get away from this too-promised land.” As these…

Call for Proposals – Black Muslim Psychology Conference

…the question of race and religion in education, scholarship, identity, socialization, and psychological well-being. The conference will take place July 19-21, 2019. The deadline for proposal submissions is April 1,…

CFP: Postliberalism, Individualism, and Society

…and consumerism • Keynesianism and Political Theology • Christian responses to Thatcherism • Christian responses to notions of limited-government. Deadline for Paper Submissions: July 2 Please send paper abstracts of…

Shaking the Foundations—Mark 13:1-8

…resurrection of the dead. The current social order already worked quite well for them, thank you very much. It is in that context that Jesus critiques the Sadducees, telling them…

…and adopted by our society to turn against each other. Rather than rejecting hatred, we have embraced it, such that now we even fear to mourn our dead in public…

Roberto Esposito

…notes that there is an intractable balancing act between the community and the subject. Two deadly pitfalls emerge. Community, often, either dissolves the subject or creates a hard separation between…

Second Balkan Summer School on Religion and Public Life, July 26-August 8, 2015

…own transportation to Sofia, Bulgaria. The BSSRPL maintains a needs-based tuition policy and bursaries are available. Deadline for Applications is February 23, 2015. Application material can be found at: http://logos.uni-plovdiv.net/en/web/logos.etn/bssrpl…

Michael Hollerich on Erik Peterson (and Carl Schmitt)

dead for a decade, Schmitt published Political Theology II: The Myth of the Closure of Any Political Theology (1970; now available in an English translation by Michael Hoelzl and Graham…

Whose Face is on the Coin? The Split Economy and Political Theology

…of the economy, the stumbling block of the economy, its inherent contradiction. Finance is not the economy, but its point of nonrelation, its deadlock. Finance is not simply a deviation…