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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Second Balkan Summer School on Religion and Public Life, July 26-August 8, 2015

…own transportation to Sofia, Bulgaria. The BSSRPL maintains a needs-based tuition policy and bursaries are available. Deadline for Applications is February 23, 2015. Application material can be found at: http://logos.uni-plovdiv.net/en/web/logos.etn/bssrpl…

Michael Hollerich on Erik Peterson (and Carl Schmitt)

dead for a decade, Schmitt published Political Theology II: The Myth of the Closure of Any Political Theology (1970; now available in an English translation by Michael Hoelzl and Graham…

Whose Face is on the Coin? The Split Economy and Political Theology

…of the economy, the stumbling block of the economy, its inherent contradiction. Finance is not the economy, but its point of nonrelation, its deadlock. Finance is not simply a deviation…

Terror, Charlie Hebdo and Planned Parenthood – Cristina Richie

…not usually prompt deadly violence. Questionable cartoons and certain medical procedures elicit such a strong response because some people take them to be personal choices (not even sins), and others…

Interdisciplinary Entanglements

…do you find most fruitful today? The ‘presence’ of the dead and the practice of attunement to sentient beings. Let me explain: in a recent intervention in PTN with a…

The Paradox of Subjective Truth: My Response to Simon Critchley’s New Book

…“objective.” Philosopher Simon Critchley at Trinity Wall Street More concretely, Simon is asking us to rethink the dilemma of politics and belief in our contemporary social and psychological deadlock in…

A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: Nonviolence and Pacifism Part II (by Jonathan McRay)

…rocks. But polite silence is not solidarity (ibid, p. 239); imperialistic intervention and wholesale acquiescence are both dead-ends. However, once we know and have witnessed we are called by the…

CFP – PTN Winter Workshop Series

…have become especially concrete today. We keep our distance, for fear of contracting and spreading a deadly disease. Our presence with one another is increasingly two-dimensional, as we connect through…

Who is Afraid of Allah? On Muslims Sans Muslimness

…to these liberals) can become tolerable as dead only. For those of us who understand Islam in all its multiplicity and as a way life, the hope of receiving any…

Atheism and the Critique of Sovereignty

…or an argumentative foil. It is therefore strange that political theology has had so little to say about atheism. Whereas the language of “secularization” speaks in the deadpan tone of…

Sibboleth: A Reply to Zadie Smith on the War in Gaza

…scene of slaughter runs directly contrary to the biblical tale, where the shibboleth functions as a technology for genocide (42,000 killed—and that’s just the men, the only dead who count…

Feminist Fantasy and Political Theology

…a witch. The novel features a deadpan style that presents Lolly’s escape as the realization of daydreams that appear absurd to others. But having escaped, Lolly finds—and arguably converts to—a…