…protect himself and was armed at all times – who was shot dead at his own doorway, his wife beside him. Clearly, simply being a good guy with a gun…
…– pestilence in the form of the deadly Ebola epidemic and war in the guise of the unimaginably brutal, but militarily successful armies of the Islamic State – are galloping…
…properties closer nearer for the church to occupy. As it turned out, the year before, a young White woman – Elsie Sigel – was found dead in Leon Ling’s apartment….
Conference Call for Papers When? Feb. 15-17, 2018 Where: Emory University Conference Center, Atlanta GA Deadline for Proposals: December 18, 2017 | Notification: December 22, 2017 Email for submissions and questions: [email protected]…
…were subordinate to the dead”, revolution in the name of “freedom” is constantly and suddenly and constantly erupting, as it did in France from 1789 to 1830. At the same…
…than that–his name stirs the passions just like the name Jeremiah Wright does in today’s politics. As for the latter, because Judas is now dead, there’s an opening on the…
…even if God is dead, we’ve still got sex. A more precise formulary might be that we’ve still got psychoanlysis. What psychoanalysis does, Westerink concludes, is not “solve” anything at…