…even if God is dead, we’ve still got sex. A more precise formulary might be that we’ve still got psychoanlysis. What psychoanalysis does, Westerink concludes, is not “solve” anything at…

…the marketplace required money as a medium of exchange, which functioned as a powerful temptation to greed, and which later Christian theologians catalogued as one of the seven deadly sins….

…majority of people who have trouble with languages and for whom finding employment abroad is quite difficult. Because Latin is dead, a living lingua franca will have to be chosen…

…expression is the only mode under which he can conceive life at all. To him what is dumb is dead. But to Christ it was not so. With a width…

…[7]William S. Burroughs, The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead [1971] (New York: Grove Press, 2007), 165-66. [8]L. Ron Hubbard, “Terra Incognita: The Mind” (1950), The Technical Bulletins of…

…obviously embodied forms as well. A person mourning a loved one is caring for them and their memory – indeed, classical Jewish sources mark caring for a dead body as…