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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Wisdom’s Place in the Creation—Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31

…of the deep, 28when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, 29when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters…

The Political Theology Syllabi Project: Michael McCurry and Kris Norris

…or even our language. And it does not mean that we search for ways to make the Gospel more palatable in society for the sake of keeping ourselves relevant; the…

…the waters of the flood. Too often we can take these waters too lightly—whether we experience them as a gentle splash of a baby by a seashell, or a dramatic…

Raising Up Niebuhrian Prophets In The Public Square – Responses To Robin Lovin (Scott Paeth And Daniel A. Morris)

…is about the atypical nature of Niebuhr’s prophetic voice. The other concerns Lovin’s search for figures who carry on Niebuhr’s prophetic project today. First, Niebuhr’s prophetic voice was unique. While…

Genius, Genealogy, and Get Out: On Melanosis

search for the arche, or “beginning-point,” of knowledge as a “science of signatures.” This science enables us to discern the “sign within a sign” which “indicates, by means of the…

Gender and the Goy

…is male, this strategy can make the logic seem seamless. Yet this is how we find “the uncircumcised” as a metonym for a group of people, and even for all…

Dark Figures

…absorption in the concrete forms of sensation that the book chronicles over the course of an (artificially compressed) annual cycle of seasons. The advance and retreat of winter at Walden…

The Politics of Getting Justice and Peace to Kiss—Psalm 85:8-13 (Richard Davis)

…interpret verses 10-11, including this: The rulers and ruled shall all be merciful and true, righteous and peaceable. When there is no truth nor mercy all goes to ruin (Hosea

Cripping the Kingdom

…impairments are mitigated. Within crip-biotech, we do not see a technological conquering of nature, but a seamless fit between creators and creations. As we imagine a world in which all…

Foucault’s Care

…the bicycle with its two wheels, handlebars, chain, seat and carry-rack. Yet both can arise only from some idea, a plan that gives shape to the material at hand. For…

Settler Colonialism

…as sea steading, extraterrestrial colonization, and the board game “Settlers of Catan” (Veracini, 2015, pp.70–88; 2021, pp.238–247). History implicates Christianity in the push and pull factors which helped create European…

The Politics of Descriptions—Matthew 3:1-12 (Amy Allen)

…But either way, their fate is the same: they will be judged in righteousness by the Lord, Immanuel, God With Us. And that’s the real hope of the Advent season….