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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

…alternative in its own right. There have been numerous works on different aspects regarding the caliphate, including Sean Oliver Dee’s “The Caliphate Question”, Mark Wegner’s “Islamic Government”, Soaud Ali’s thesis…

Political Theology Issue 17.3 – Postcolonialism, Simone Weil, Alasdair MacIntyre, Neoliberalism and Debt

…the disputes among the Asian countries over the control of islands and resource-rich waters in the South China Sea. But surprisingly we find political theologians still focus largely on the…

Nostalgia and Politics

…the text is a people who have returned from exile. Without a doubt, this is a people in search of “home.” Longing for home evokes different reactions. In this case,…

Hope, and Hard Boards

…beyond the heavens, and to the very clouds. It is more steadfast and dependable than the very mountains, and deeper than the sea itself. It is shelter for all and…

The Politics of Public Wisdom—Proverbs 1:20-33 (Richard Davis)

…and just this week his Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton, laughed at those affected by sea-level rise. In New Zealand, the present Key government scoffed at the tens of thousands of…


…accomplish their own ends. Our second contributor, Jaisy Joseph, Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Seattle University, discusses sexual violence in the context of Indian Christian immigrant communities….

Economics, Politics, and Theologies of  Relationality

…pertain to individual and God, the rest, seamlessly, to relations among persons. Covenant—reciprocal commitment—thus extends from dyad to larger associations, where gift from God to persongenerates gift from person to…

Christian Action and Its Decontexts – Matthew John Paul Tan

…presumes an agent to be a hermetically sealed individual for whom communal belonging is a consensual disruption. It also does not bode well when ecumenism also presumes a kind of…

Nostalgia and Politics

…and politics. The audience of the text is a people who have returned from exile. Without a doubt, this is a people in search of “home.” Longing for home evokes…

Today’s Political Theological Vortex – Neither A God Nor Digital Networking Can Save Us (Roger Green)

…clearly interested in finding a line to cross. Heidegger corrects him on the notion of clearing in its relation to Dasein. Jünger’s essay, as Sean Quin notes in his introduction,…

Desiring Possibility: Trans Figuration, “As If,” and the Holy Fool

…the present, he searches for insight into practices of figuration in the writings of Henry Suso, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Saint Francis of Assisi, Jacob Böhme, Gilles Deleuze, Alfred North Whitehead,…

Reasoning about (Non)violence in the Hong Kong Protests

…to judge the effectiveness of such tactics. To these perceptive observations, I would merely add that what is needed is what Sean Chabot has called movement phronesis, or what I…