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Tag: Martin Luther King Jr.

Listening to Power’s Fears

Paying attention to Herod’s fears about Jesus can keep us from depoliticizing the gospel.

Living the Dream

Pentecost isn’t simply about the dreams of old men or the prophesies of children; though, these, certainly, are a part. Pentecost is about living the dream.

Inspiration—being filled by the spirit, is not about dreaming dreams or seeing visions, it is about living them.

Jesus did not teach Nonviolent Resistance in the Sermon on the Mount

Walter Wink’s reading of the Sermon on the Mount is the kind of exegesis that would get failed in a historical-critical Bible class. It has succeeded because it is good ethics so no one wants to point out too loudly that it’s bad exegesis.

Justice the Plumb Line—Amos 7:7-15

The Prophet Amos employs the plumb line as a powerful metaphor for justice in society.

The Politics of Belovedness—John 15:9-17 (Robert Williamson)

Only when we truly believe that Black Lives Matter, when we learn to lay down the privilege of whiteness before a God who delights in Blackness, can we understand what it means to be God’s beloved.