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A mincha service in Midtown Manhattan, where observant Jewish progressives prayed for the release of the hostages and a ceasefire in Gaza, in May 2024. Credit: Gili Getz
The Brink

The Wrestling Itself is the Point: A Response to Joshua Leifer

The grass seemed greener in Orthodoxy, I’ve realized, because my yearning for authenticity and escape reflected a structural lack embedded in late capitalist dystopia… Today, it seems to me more honest to learn to live with this lack, than to imagine that any faith, flag or folkway can fully fill it.

Remembering Christos Yannaras (1935–2024)

He was on a lifelong pursuit to understand the deepest structures and meaning of existence, along with the place, purpose and destiny of the human being in it. He was troubled by existence. He found it difficult and challenging to understand, liable to so much delusion and perversion.

Political Theology 25.4 is now online!

The journal Political Theology releases its newest issue which considers interesting topics, such as Eric Peterson on the modern nation state, Edith Stein and Jan Patočka in relation to the war in Ukraine, the “sacred” in leftist spaces, and the development of a “dark fantastic theological imaginary.”

Remembering Jürgen Moltmann

In friendship, Jürgen says, we experience a “broad space” in which we can expand. The power and beauty of the letters between Kelly and Jürgen lies, in part, in the fact that they occupied a wide space that encompassed radically different social locations.

Catholic Re-Visions

Anti-Fascism as Constitutive of the Gospel Ethic

By cataloguing an approachable Christian-oriented anti-fascism, we hope to engage audiences not merely in contemplation, prayer for change, or internal spiritual renewal, but in tangible action.

Revivals: Now & Then

If nothing else, the national public attention and copy-cat movements following the Asbury Revival speak to the need for spiritual revival—as in the Great First Awakening, most people are dissatisfied with established religion and are looking for ways to experience a genuine spiritual awakening.