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Category: Catholic Re-Visions

From Teaching My Class to Catholic Social Teaching: Reflections on Extending the Reach of Nonviolence

It is imperative to respect the claims of conscience behind the pacifist convictions often associated with the rejection of the modern state. But if Catholic social teaching is going to incorporate nonviolence more fully, it also must develop the connection between nonviolence and modern politics.

Some Resources from the Margins to Center Nonviolence in Catholic Social Teaching

The notion of quality of life, an extended conception of common good, and the solidarity with the victims can move nonviolence from the margins of Catholic Social Teaching to its center.

The Practice of Nonviolence and Catholic Social Teaching: Exploring the Intrinsic Link

The virtues and practices include confronting the issue rather than the person, practicing forgiveness, tolerance, and reconciliation, embracing the enemy as a child of God, and protecting human dignity and the common good. It explores how the combination of CST and nonviolence can address human actions that sustain marginalization, racism, conflicts, oppression, domination, and diverse forms of social exclusion.

Lived Liturgy? A Call for Papers from Catholic Re-Visions and the Journal of Global Catholicism

In turning away from more abstract debates about liturgy to those that center on its lived and material dimensions, we hope to enliven a conversation about ‘lived liturgy’ to consider what practices uphold, challenge, or fail to account for the global political order.

The “Small Things” and Social Change

[P]romoting justice and defending human dignity need not only hinge on grand self-sacrificial gestures…. That social structures are sustained by social practices suggests that the everyday is consequential too and dispels the notion that smaller or more mundane acts are too paltry and thus powerless to effect the kind of structural change justice requires.

Social Doctrine and Personal Practice: Practicing Nonviolence as the Missing Link

Nonviolence presses us to face and points us toward the challenge of integrating charity and respect for human dignity into our practice of addressing entrenched social injustice.

The Death of a Fascist Does Not Mean the Death of Fascism: A Storied and Theological Plea for Non-Violent, Disruptive Anti-Fascism

This essay is a storied and theological proposal for non-violent, disruptive anti-fascism.

Jean-Luc Marion and a Saturated Politics

Jean-Luc Marion waded into political discourse with his 2017 book Brève apologie pour un moment catholique (Brief Apology for a Catholic Moment) which uses aspects of his phenomenological and theological project to argue for a model of non-political politics: one based exclusively on the perfect will of the Triune God.

Resisting Christofascism Today

At the base of Christofascism lies the response of uncritical obedience. For this reason, Christians need to become aware of how their own language of obedience functions Christian moral systems and concepts of faith.

They Shall Not Pass! The Catholic Worker Ethos, Faithful Direct Action, and the Anti-Fa Christ

An examination of responses that are counteracting the fascism emboldened by Trumpism; including Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement as well as Christ’s moral imperative for anti-fascist action. A provision of counternarratives of hope to the prevailing motif of the Catholic Right’s resurgence.

Defining the Problem: Pinpointing the Contours of Fascism

This post is a cataloguing of contemporary fascism which is bolstered by religious ideology. I seek to define it, trace its roots, and remove it from the shadows while inspiring Christian ethical response to counter this plague.

Signs of Faith Against Fascism: An Interview with Eric Martin

You discuss a God that both invites us to love our enemies, already incredibly challenging, and a God that also seems to allow, endorse, or sometimes invite violence against the oppressor in certain scriptural texts. Both are hard theological pills to swallow.