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Category: Catholic Re-Visions

Research and Me-Search: A Conversation with the new Catholic Re-Visions Conveners

As Catholic Re-Visions welcomes two new members to its leadership team, the three co-conveners sit down for a conversation about their backgrounds and the blog’s direction.

Marie-Thérèse Lacaze and “The End of Promised Lands”

This essay traces the story of Marie-Thérèse Lacaze, a French woman whose experience of Catholic communal life in solidarity with the poor and disenfranchised in Palestine eventually led her to denounce both the state of Israel and the Catholic Church as unjust institutions failing to live up to the ideals on which they were founded.

Corita Kent and “A Sort of Growing Up”

This essay presents some historical sources for tracing and understanding Corita Kent’s departure from Catholic religious life and the institutional Catholic church. This effort to make sense of Corita’s spiritual trajectory sheds light on wider trends in Post-Vatican II U.S. Catholic life.

Mary Daly and “Boundary Living”

Despite her rejection of Catholicism as irredeemably patriarchal, this essay explores Mary Daly’s complicated relationship with her theological past. Daly offers a vision for “boundary living” — where institutional disaffiliation creates a space for creatively reclaiming and reconstructing the tradition.

Black Queer Natural Law: On Brownness and Disidentification

Because of its deployments within white supremacist and heteronormative projects, the natural law has not been seen as a partner in liberative ethical projects. Considerations with respect to José Muñoz’s concepts of disidentification and brownness, however, allow for a rapprochement between queer-of-color epistemologies and a Thomistic epistemology of the natural law.

Butler, Norms, and Mystical-Political Hope

Judith Butler’s work in queer theory inspires Catholics to consider the material relations of the body and contributes to a mystical-political, eschatological hope.

What Queer Theory Taught Me About the Saints

A different type of project beckons the queer, brown Christian: Invention, coupled with mourning for what is irrecoverably absent, becomes a necessary spiritual practice for all those who cannot find their own ancestors in the canons of church history

Queer Liberation and the Limits of Identity Politics

What would it look like to consider identity-based oppressions—queer marriage blessings and women’s ordination—as interrelated symptoms of a need for structural, ecclesial changes?

Queer Visions of Virtue Ethics

Queer Catholics live outside of the Church’s vision of the good life. Let us imagine what queer holiness looks like.

Disturbing the Foundations: Feminist Ethicists Respond to the Dobbs Decision, Part 2

In this second set quick takes, feminist ethicists respond to the recent Dobbs v. Jackson decision, mixing and challenging Catholic ideas regarding reproductive health and justice.

Disturbing the Foundations: Feminist Ethicists Respond to the Dobbs Decision

In this first set quick takes, feminist ethicists respond to the recent Dobbs v. Jackson decision, mixing and challenging Catholic ideas regarding reproductive health and justice. Stay tuned for the second set next week!

Desire and Meaning in Augustine

Language and meaning originate not from a fullness trying to communicate itself but from a lack that strives after enjoyment.