In autopoiesis, there is no separation between what we do and the particular way in which the world appears to us.

On the one hand, there is in the foreground “a land flowing with milk and honey.” On the other hand, as one reads the text with modern eyes and ears, the problematic language of inheritance, possession, and settlement the chapter begins with rightly alarms readers concerned about occupation of stolen lands using theologically justifying language.

The London Catholic Worker creates the physical and intellectual spaces in which to practice radical hospitality and explore Christian anarchism. As these spaces can be transitory, easily destroyed or abandoned, the Catholic Worker must draw on its personalist and anarchist roots to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

As the Catholic Worker movement confronts anti-Black racism more earnestly, questions arise about whether taking an active anti-racism stance can be reconciled with Catholic Worker anarchism, specifically when dealing with the state.

Joseph’s claim that it was God who engineered the situation for good is indicative of a person, or at least a narrative character, who has experienced healing over time, away from his abusers. He has reframed his narrative to better suit how he sees himself and his world now, a world where he has power.