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Announcement – Drew University Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquium

The colloquium hopes to recharge the practical theorizing of political theology at the gathering point of the crises of the present.

Call for Papers – Political Theology as Discernment

The purpose of the conference is to examine the dynamic relationship between politics, as the art of building the structures of shared life, and theology, as the articulation of our interrelatedness in God.

The Good News in Judgment—Isaiah 6:1–13

Isaiah’s call to prophesy judgment against Israel challenges us to remember God’s sovereignty over all political systems, even those that are disastrous in our eyes. Could God’s judgment be the decisive turning point toward healing?

Politics and the Sovereignty of God—Jeremiah 1:4–10

God’s prophets are those who call us to recognize our limitations before the sovereignty of God. Indeed, Jeremiah reminds us of the relativity of human politics and that in God alone does the individual and human society find meaning and security.

The Powers of Powerlessness

Our modest proposal is for those of us who work in political theology to listen to the Americas and to do so, insofar as possible, ethnographically.

The Joy of the Lord is our strength—Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Nehemiah 8 reminds us that hearing the word of God is an occasion for joy, not sorrow and regret.

Friendships of Listening in Creating Just Societies

Fostering cross-cultural and cross-racial friendships of listening are essential to creating virtuous and just societies, especially in a fractured political climate that fails to serve the human good.

Hope, and Hard Boards—Psalm 36:5-10

Psalm 36 reminds us that hope is grounded in God’s very nature, that it rests in the hesed of the LORD. Today, despite the fact that the work we undertake remains unfinished, we can rest in God’s hesed.

On Unity, Liberty and Charity

We need not lose sight of the last four hundred years of political theological debate when searching for new ways to deliberate amidst diverse viewpoints and backgrounds.

Shutdown is a Reminder that Government Work is Vital to the Common Good

The ongoing government shutdown comes with significant personal cost to government workers and harm to the public good. It is a tragic reminder of the dignity of government work and its contribution to the common good.

Political Theology, Volume 20, Issues 1 and 2 are now available

New issues from the twentieth year of our journal feature articles from editorial board member Bonnie Honig, a special issue on Pragmatism and Political Theology, book reviews and more.

Call for Papers – Signs of the Times: Christianity and Socialism

The department invites proposals from graduate students and early-career scholars working in theological studies, moral theology and ethics, political theology, and related disciplines