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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

QUICK TAKES – The Legality and Larger Meaning of Kentucky Clerk’s Refusal To Issue Marriage Licenses For LGBT Couples

…is asked whether she would be willing to use deadly force when necessary to protect the public. Assume only appropriate use of force here. Imagine that she responds, “No, I…

“Here Am I; Send Me!”—Isaiah 6:1-8

…their “native son” Adolf Bartels had gone too far. Bartels, dead since 1945, had written novels rejoicing in the blood-and-soil mysteries of Dithmarschen as well as a mass of dreadful…

(How to Do) Political Theology Without Men?

…Ezekiel revives the “dry bones” of the dead, so Philip gathers up the wet bones of the dead Africans from the waters. Examining Philip’s poem against the backdrop of modern…

The Politics of the Empty Tomb—John 20:1-18 (Alastair Roberts)

…and he saw and believed; 9 for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. 10 Then the disciples returned to their homes….

Christ the King—Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

…of nocturnal visions; he sees a great sea being driven and tossed by the four winds of heaven. As he looks, four great beasts come up out of the sea,…

A Power Hungry Politician and a Vulnerable God—The Politics of Matthew 2:13-23

…flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” 14 Then Joseph got up, took the child…

Death, Incorporated: Redemption for the Rest of Us

…be our best option. The Virtual Search for Compensatory Meaning When Joe Chip finally encounters Jory Miller, he confirms that he searches not simply for an explanation of the strangely…

Religion and Civil Society: From Alienation to Constitutive Resistance

…ago the people of north-eastern Arnhem Land, Groote Eylandt, and the Cobourg Peninsula interacted and exchanged with the Muslim Makassans searching for trepangs (sea-slugs). Items exchanged included turtle-shell, pearls, and…

Research and Me-Search: A Conversation with the new Catholic Re-Visions Conveners

…of Martín’s story in the center. In the process, I’ve forced myself to have a reckoning with my own cradle Catholicism, “research / me-search” as you sometimes hear people say. …

Season 2, Episode 8: Movies with Liam O’Donnell

In this episode of Assembly, Zac and Amaryah chat about the 2019-2020 movie season with Liam O’Donnell of the film podcast Cinepunx. They talk about Parasite, Uncut Gems, and Portrait…

PTT Dispatches – Dismantled Calais Refugee Camp Is Dark Testament To Our Global Inhumanity (Kieryn Wurts)

…Tower of London. Empires need their ravens. They depend on them, in ways both economic and emblematic. In the Hughes poem, in facing the sea, a Crow faces the searing…

Destabilizing Divine Presence, Fracturing Joy

…of the Advent season—for many, a Sunday marked by the lighting of the “Joy” candle. Of course, this week’s assigned text opens with a ringing call to “sing aloud,” “shout,”…