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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

My Fickle Friends by Bashar al-Assad

…Karimov as well, just because all his opposition is either dead or in prison. And the media too – just the other day our pictures were splashed across Vogue, and…

The “Third Iraq War” and the Tragedy of American History (Carl Raschke)

…Tragedies are not merely unanticipated incidents with terrible consequences, as when we use the word, for example, to describe the assassination of a president or a deadly car accident. Tragedies…

Archbishop José Gomez: “Stay Woke” During Advent

On Wednesday, Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles posted a series of tweets reminding Christians to remain “awake” during the season of Advent, alert to the impending coming of Jesus…

Two Conferences Upcoming: “Economic Theology” and “Rethinking Political Catholicism”

…philosophical, ethical, historical, and social-scientific (and of course economic and theological) angles. For more information, see the the full Economic Theology Call for Papers (deadline 3/31). Immediately following, on May…

True Vines and True Branches

…The vinegrower helps the vine thrive as much as it can by pruning away the literal dead weight. The vine helps the vinegrower by producing as much fruit as it…

Agamben Symposium: Charles Mathewes

…in a career or after the author is dead. Others—the academic version of one hit wonders—flash up in an instant, are talked about—though not as often talked to, and still…

The Politics of Saving Everybody—Genesis 9:8-17 (Timothy Simpson)

…the Father.—Philippians 2:9-11   But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have died. For since death came through a human being,…

Lauren Berlant

…nation out of its crisis. Wrapped up in a cloud of sentiment, few paused to ask another set of questions. Namely: How does this politician’s grief for his dead son…

…by the American war machine, ameliorate poverty, reform a racist and unjust judicial system, and empower communities can often seem like a dead end street, but the light of hope…

Announcing New and Forthcoming Books in Political Theology

…publisher: “God is dead, but his presence lives on in politics. This is the problem of political theology: the way that theological ideas find their way into secular political institutions,…

“Will the Dust Praise You?”: Theologizing Death

…“blur the line between the living and the dead,” Maxine Sheets-Johnstone (23) notes how such ideologies create notions of “everlasting glory.” Sheets-Johnstone calls such ideologies “immortality ideologies” because they invoke…

Luce Irigaray

…so as to protect himself from the permanence of becoming dead,” she writes. Air, as Irigaray sees it, is “the element most resistant to this operation.” Air will not let…