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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

The Politics of Overcoming Sacrifice—John 9:1-41 (Fritz Wendt)

…God that you noticed me. I was dead and didn’t know it. You’ve given me new life.” The holy man said, “If I had explained what I was doing, you…

Postmodernism and the Revolution in Religious Theory — Carl Raschke

…Bataille through Deleuze, Badiou, and Žižek. Rather than flogging the dead horse of deconstruction, I show how the grist for a truly revolutionary, future theory of religion can be identified…

Book Preview: Alain Badiou: Between Theology and Anti-theology

…mathematical inscription of the death of God at the ontological level. “God is dead at the heart of presentation,” Badiou says. On the other hand is Saint Paul. Despite Badiou’s…

Call for Papers – Political Theology as Discernment

…Political engagements and their consequences for theological doctrines A common apostolic discernment of the Church The deadline for submission is March 1, 2019. Please submit abstracts of 250-350 words via…

Choosing the Lesser Evil is Still Choosing Evil

…life.” With nearly (NB: now over) 200,000 dead from the coronavirus pandemic, the west coast burned to cinders, and the racism at the United States’ heart and origin plunging into…

The Politics of Asking the Right Question—Luke 10:25-37 (D. Mark Davis)

…of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him,…

Resisting Colonial Logic in Christian Thinking

…that they would search for God and perhaps grope for him and find him—though indeed he is not far from each one of us. 28 For ‘In him we live…

Fred Moten

…power of life resisting the deadening he associates with routinization of law, with market calculations, with bureaucracy, and with the ordinary, say habitual or liturgical, practice of life. A binary…

Be Our Guest: How We Found Holy Communion in Every Meal

…but rather to express Abundance. Divinity is present, no matter how scarce things may seem. Divine Love takes moments that look scary, or dead, or empty, and transforms them into…

A Roundup Of Statements Of American Religious Leaders On Charlottesville

The violence that left one dead and 19 injured at a rally organized by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia – home of the University of Virginia – this past weekend…

On the State of Political Theology Today (Ted Smith)

…body that can be conceived as being divided. They ask about the relationships between people and land. They ask about relationships between the living and the dead. They ask about…

The Politics of a Homeland—Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 (Amy Allen)

…too old—and Sarah herself was barren—because he considered him faithful who had promised. 12 Therefore from one person, and this one as good as dead, descendants were born, ‘as many…