Can the language that we use and take for granted be such a problem for public theology? As we search for a vision, a sense of purpose, a dream that…

…dead.” In Christ we have more, for, in the Word and sacrament, we can break bread with him who lives and abides forever. No win nor loss or “winner’s curse”…
…dead and hundreds have been wounded. Provocative anti-Islam cartoons are published in France by Charlie Hebdo magazine as a preemptive counter-strike at Muslims in the name of ‘freedom of expression’….

…with underlying ideologies of control over female bodies and are discriminatory and deadly, she is convinced that she will make it to the mountains. The control over her body will…
…perpetual so that it would not become destabilized through the changing of hands (i.e. “The King is Dead; Long Live the King”). In today’s neoliberal market, those sovereign attributes—and the…