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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Life That Does Not Demand Death

…the dead on the third day, 47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. Luke…

Passion Sunday: The politics of passion  (John 12.1-8)

…darkness the hope for the world and who takes the darkness into his being. He is the rejected one who travels down into the darkness of the dead, who walks…

CFA – University of Edinburgh Religion and Public Life Fellowships

deadline for this Fellowship is 28 February 2020. With the Centre for Theology and Public Issues in the School of Divinity, the Institute offers the CTPI Duncan Forrester Fellowship for…

Revisiting Comfort Women in Light of Political Theology

…meals. We were in the state of ‘half-dead.’ Some girls became really sick and could not recover from the ordeal. The soldiers took them away. We did not know what…

Following Christ in Resurrection Hope

…Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who are being protected by the power of God through…

“Will the Dust Praise You?”: Theologizing Death

…nationalistic ideologies that “blur the line between the living and the dead,” Maxine Sheets-Johnstone (23) notes how such ideologies create notions of “everlasting glory.” Sheets-Johnstone calls such ideologies “immortality ideologies”…

The Banality of Oppression: Memory, Theology, and the Suffering of Chinese Comfort Women

…the men in her mother’s new husband’s village only allowed the brother to accompany her because of his gender. Girls were considered deadweight. Guiying, now orphaned, was frequently denied adequate…

The Paradox of a World Turned Upside Down—Luke 6:17-26

…are laughing, and are highly regarded by the world’s standards to turn back to the way of the Lord, for it is only through becoming dead to the world that…

Is nature taking its revenge on us?

…reductionism about nature that has facilitated our deadly situation today (FHS 103). For Metz, the idea of nature can communicate the suffering of history: as a concept that stands in…

QUICK TAKES – Are The Paris Attacks A “Game Changer” For The West And The Islamic World?

…No, it is not, and it will remain locked within the same deadly “game” that scores in body counts until at least the following measures are taken. The first measure…

Contagion, a Lament

…wasn’t dead, because he was white, because he was old. My dreams prove otherwise. These recurring nightmares about Martin Gugino and the police who almost killed him have me wondering if…

The Politics of Persistence—Luke 18:1-8 (Lynn Huber)

…justice through the courts, along with protests and social media efforts in which the names of the dead are repeated. #TrayvonMartin #TamirRice #EricGarner #PhilandoCastile #KeithScott The judge in the parable…