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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Liberalism’s Death Has No Afterlife. Perhaps That’s a Good Thing.

…the just future it pledges. Absent our faith, universal salvation is also precluded. This helps explain the despondency with which those left of center have searched for answers at this…

Women Prevailing Against Limited Vision

…value Scripture and the importance of women’s historical leadership must search for a new vision. I suggest that readers engage what Prof. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza refers to as the hermeneutics…

Contested Signs

…bring someone back from the dead will elicit the desire to kill Jesus. Why? This power is a threat to the biopolitical apparatus of those in power—the ability and will…

…purist always insists the facts of real life meet the test of a pure moral theory. Does this half-dead man on the road fit my moral agenda for helping others?…

The abominable terrorist bomb attacks at the Boston Marathon on Monday 15 April 2013 that left 3 people dead and injured more than 180 people has shocked the world, and…

Catholic Social Ethics Q & A, Halloween Edition

…answer is no, since it seems that blasting a path through the undead horde with the shotgun I found in the farmhouse is the only way I can survive. Sincerely,…

Heretics Against the God Named Empire – Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria, and Trump (Jorge Juan Rodríguez V)

…can have two, ultimately deadly, effects on Puerto Rico. The first is that aid to the island is undercut. Yarimar Bonilla has demonstrated that since before Hurricane Maria hit the…

CFP – Political Theology & Incarceration / Black Thought / Settler Colonialism

…25, 2020. Those invited to submit full papers for peer review will have a February 25, 2021 deadline for paper submission. You can find more information on each special issue…

Decolonizing Knowledge with Brenna Moore and Onaje X.O. Woodbine

…in practices of reading, both in these personal letters or in weighty theological tomes. In addition, one could have a spiritual friendship with men and women of letters long dead….

Brethertonian Thinking

…uncritically, as if beneficence were rooted in Christian charity, or deadlier still, Christian charity is merely a species of humanitarian beneficence. This critical distinction allows Christians to rightly relate to…

The Political Theology Syllabi Project: Martin Kavka

…that was the jumping-off point for a conference paper I wrote later that year, which would eventually become “What Do The Dead Deserve?: Towards A Critique of Jewish ‘Political Theology,’”…

Satan’s Temptations in Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Pt. 2 (Caleb Upton)

…They flock to the temples of sport…Many sports devotees return after the games to dead-end jobs, or no jobs, to massive personal debt, to the bleakness of the future. No…