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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

The “Sigh of the Oppressed Creature” in-between Theology and Anthropology

…or searched here. Experience constitutes itself against the empiricism of normality.” (153)   Sölle’s publications fill up with observations that could be characterized as empirical—ethnographic or quasi-ethnographic perhaps—as she draws…

The Postcolonial Temple

…do not fear. 6 For thus says the Lord of hosts: Once again, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the…

A Post-election Confession and Plea (Hollis Phelps)

…I voted for her Republican challenger Thom Tillis, who ended up winning her Senate seat by a slight margin. But as someone whose politics are squarely and unapologetically on the…

Unity of Being against State and Capital

…sacred sovereignty that radically differed from, but also intersected with, modern imperial state sovereignty. His epic ripples across the Arabian Sea. In hearing his story, we follow the travels of…

The Politics of Widows’ Gifts—Mark 12:38-44 (Jan Rippentrop)

…have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! 40 They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive…

Violent Fantasies and the Language of the Unheard

…psalm easier to read after my service (for a brief season) as a hospital chaplaincy intern. People say all sorts of things from the midst of crisis—often things that probably…

PTT Dispatches – Reflections On Trump, America, And “Eurocentrism” From The Sand Dunes Of A Remote Dutch Island  (Carl Raschke)

…The Dutch were the quintessential merchants of the early modern era, hauling by sea all types of goods from one corner of the planet to the other, all the while…

The Politics of Just Wages—Matthew 20:1-16 (Mark Davis)

…harvesting season for coffee beans. That year, despite the exorbitant increases in the cost of a cup of coffee at local coffee shops in wealthy countries, wholesale prices for coffee…

Sunday Baseball and Other Sins: America’s Pastime and the Decline of Blue Laws

…ever get us away from it”[1] – Billy Sunday, professional baseball player turned revivalist. When the San Diego Padres open their season against the Dodgers on a Sunday evening next…

Paul’s Propertied Incarnation

…text for the first Sunday of the Christmas season? The only way forward is through it. For me, this means an intentional engagement with its violent negative framing of “no…

…doubt: “Keep Christ in Christmas” “Jesus Is the Reason for the Season” and of course, the ever-popular War on Christmas, which, if we are to believe conservative talk show hosts,…

Isaiah 62:1-5:  The Politics of Marrying God

…the most common prophetic motifs in the Scripture is that of Israel’s infidelity towards Yahweh. For example, the entire book of Hosea makes use of the image of the prostitute,…