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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

A Political Theology of Presence

…air, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas. 9O LORD, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! The psalmist…

Eating Together—Luke 14:1, 7-14

…all aspects of life. In a symposium dinner, guests were seated proximate to the host according to their stature. This was an opportunity not only to enact the social stratification…

Under our Feet

…of the field, birds of the air, fish of the sea, and sea creatures, all of which the Lord has given humans dominion over. This causes the psalmist to exclaim,…

Disciplinary crossings

…work, political and cultural anthropology, they have invited their colleagues to consider the materiality of the ineffable: the dead, the excess, the more-than-human, the negative. In political theology, or more…

On the Work of Mourning in Muñoz

…melancholic—one that, with drink in hand, gives accounts of the dead that form us while acknowledging the ultimate unknowability that distends all accounts of those dead within us. [1] Let…

<strong>Free for the Taking: Susan Taubes and the Lure of Literature</strong>

…a beauty, a girl with no heart.  “Dead” is the first of these appellations.  When we encounter Sophie in the first chapter, she is lying in a room in front…

Who Are We, the Palestinians?

…a romantic task. The living wounds are ugly and become uglier with time, from generation to generation, filled with puss and emanating the stench of death. The dead need to…

PTNCON23: Call for Seminar Streams

…ongoing effort to experiment with conference structure and format, we will accept proposals in two stages: proposals for seminar streams (deadline: March 1, 2023) and proposals for individual papers to…

Tradinistas: A New Catholic Socialism?, Part 2

…capital – or, in Marxian terms, ‘living’ labor and ‘dead’ labor,” that is, to the workers currently engaged in production and those who previously produced the machines now being used by…

It First Must Burn: Expanding the Spiritual Lens of Change in Parable of Sower’s Earthseed

…the Dead (125); both books are funerary texts that guide the bereaved, the dying, and the dead through practices of death and rebirth. Additionally, in an anonymous interview included in…

The Powers of Powerlessness

…in motion—what Jennifer Scheper Hughes calls an ecclesia ex mortuis, a Church out of the dead. In fulfilling its destiny as a universal religion through the evangelization of the Crown’s…

Memory and the Risen Christ—Luke 24:1–12

…them. 5The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is…