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Category: Body Politics

The representation of political subjectivity entails fundamental assumptions about who has capacity and standing to be an agent. Who counts as a political agent? What commonalities can be political mobilized? Under what significations can such identities become legible? Here we examine the complex intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality and they are mobilized to political and theological ends.



  1. Marcella Althaus-Reid, Indecent Theology: Theological Perversions in Sex, Gender, and Politics (2000)
  2. J. Kameron Carter, Race: A Theological Account (2008)
  3. Gloria Anzaldúa, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (1987)
  4. M. Shawn Copeland, Enfleshing Freedom (2010)
  5. Linn Tonstad, Queer Theology: Beyond Apologetics (2018)
  6. Silvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (2004)
  7. Sharon V. Betcher, Spirit and the Politics of Disablement (2007)
  8. Willie James Jennings, The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race (2011)

Relevant Journal Articles:

  • Timothy McGee, “Against (White) Redemption: James Cone and the Christological Disruption of Racial Discourse and White Solidarity,” Political Theology 18, no. 7 (2017): 542-559
  • Brandy Daniels, “On Ambivalence and (Anti-)Normativity (or, Theology as a Way of Life?),” Political Theology 19, no.8 (2018): 689-697
  • Bruno M. Shah, “Enfleshing Aesthetics: Theological Anthropology in M. Shawn Copeland’s Enfleshing Freedom and Mayra Rivera’s Poetics of the Flesh,” Political Theology 20, no. 1 (2019): 48-65
Movement and Contra-movement: A Pneumatological Response to Migration

Life in God is defined by a joyous freedom of movement, a loving and adventurous invitation to the dance of the Spirit. The book of Acts is witness to those who accepted this invitation like Peter, moved to go to a Gentile centurion’s home, thus initiating a new ministry with global implications beyond his ken.

From Faithful Patriot to Faithful Presence

The Trump administration’s most recent actions at the border signal the end of all pretense by the president—and many in his base—that Christian ethical principles should meaningfully inform U.S. immigration and asylum policies. Patriotism and faith have become indistinguishable.

#NoBootsNoBedsNoWall: Cuentos on how Industrial Complexes Feed off the Social Sin of Othering

…and they all crossed freely

…and they were heard without initial judgement

Criminal Communion

The social construction of the criminal other has long served as a justification for subjugation. Pope Francis has stated that the people of God can smell holiness, and perhaps there is also a greater need for the olfactory discernment of evil in our midst. Despite the risk of too literal an interpretation of this metaphor, deeper reflection is warranted of the ways in which evil must be resisted.

Is Christian Political Theology too conservative to undermine sexual violence?

If we want to focus on stopping sexual violence we need to ask much more disruptive questions about the conserving influence within Christian political theologies that accompanies their radical critiques.

Kavanaugh, Ronell, and Political Theology’s Prospects for Making a Difference in Sexual Violence Today

Political theology’s prospects for contributing helpfully to movements of resistance to sexual violence depends on the willingness and ability those who contribute to political theology as a discourse to discern and prioritize the kinds of questions that are deemed most urgent by sexual violence survivors themselves and those who have devoted their work to ethically addressing this harm.

No Longer Bearing the Cross Alone

Like Simon and Veronica, those in the pews and those in the academy are called to accompany those who are abused by sharing in their pain so that survivors no longer bear this cross alone.

Confronting Rape Culture

Political theology, insofar as it can articulate an analysis of and resistance to rape culture, offers many resources for confronting sexual violence.

Not feminist enough

Biggar’s “academic” lack of understanding aids and abets transphobia making him complicit.

Prisoners of Politics

Churches are locally oriented and present to the concerns of everyday life in the community. As an institution it has been an organized center of everyday life for its membership.

Crisis, Conversion, Critique, or, Practicing Black Study Now: Against the Natural and the New

For it is only through understanding black culture as worthy of attention that we can feel it as worthy of enjoyment.

Not Light but Fire

In a white supremacist culture, one crucial precondition of any true and faithful theological speech is repentance. True theology is not light but fire.