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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Weird John Brown and the Uses of Elusiveness (E. Brooks Holifield)

…lend themselves to deadly abuse. And any ethical reflection that remains within the limits of a this-worldly calculation of consequences or duties will find it hard to assess either the…

Call for Applications: Summer Institute in Religion and Global Politics

…in Political Catholicism in contemporary Europe and the United States. For details, contacts and the application procedure, please visit the Institute webpage. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2014….

Democracy No Longer to Come

…new world order,” affectionately known at the time as the NWO. As Posner dryly points out, the NWO is now dead as a doornail. Its death has been accompanied by…

Political Theological Resistance in Hong Kong

…dignity of life will not be destroyed, for God has raised the crucified Jesus from the dead. Epilogue At the time of writing this essay, there is no sign that…

Shattering Expectations

…age came together. The messianic age meant peace on earth and the end of war, death, disease, and poverty, the ingathering of the exiles, a general resurrection of the dead.”…

Was Rand Paul right about Ferguson?  What Political Theology has to do with Ferguson

…to decide if Michael Brown engaged in conduct that could reasonably be interpreted as constituting a deadly threat. Whatever they decide in this case, it cannot be accepted as reasonable…

The Politics of Nations and Boundaries—Acts 17:22-31 (Richard Davis)

…to inhabit the whole earth, and he allotted the times of their existence and the boundaries of the places where they would live, 27so that they would search for God…

Prophetic Politics beyond “Faith and Works”

…the Epistle of James, the greatest ancient critique of Paul, put it: “Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead” (James 2:17). Isaiah and Douglass (and James, too)…

Wise Religion

…the knowledge of God filling the earth like the seas. However, a closer reading reveals that the reality is considerably more complex. The passage does not say that the nations…

Spirits Of Blood And Breath – Contrasting Religious Perspectivism With Actual People’s Perspectives (Roger Green)

…consistently causes the problems of human hegemony.” Barbara Mann builds on this by articulating the non-anthropocentric, “twinned cosmos of Indigenous America.” Mann’s deadpan style of writing is refreshing as she…

Stuart Hall

…of Hall, how might political theology understand the national anthem debate, particularly in this political moment when “I can’t breathe” is the deadly refrain of multiple pandemics? The multiplicity resides…

The Brink: Betwixt and Between

…are dead to the old but not quite yet born to the new, the liminal stage is one where certainties are questioned, hierarchies are upended, and nothing is quite what…