…lend themselves to deadly abuse. And any ethical reflection that remains within the limits of a this-worldly calculation of consequences or duties will find it hard to assess either the…

…in Political Catholicism in contemporary Europe and the United States. For details, contacts and the application procedure, please visit the Institute webpage. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2014….

…new world order,” affectionately known at the time as the NWO. As Posner dryly points out, the NWO is now dead as a doornail. Its death has been accompanied by…

…dignity of life will not be destroyed, for God has raised the crucified Jesus from the dead. Epilogue At the time of writing this essay, there is no sign that…

…to decide if Michael Brown engaged in conduct that could reasonably be interpreted as constituting a deadly threat. Whatever they decide in this case, it cannot be accepted as reasonable…