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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Political Hypocrisy and True Ritual—Isaiah 1:1, 10–20

searing indictment of the nation of Judah. Their land now lies desolate, their cities burned with fire with only a few survivors left (verses 7-9). Had YHWH not mercifully spared…

The Politics of Individual Responsibility and the Structures of Sin—Romans 7:15-25a (Richard Davis)

…center of a utility company or government office to experience a Kafkaesque search for someone who is responsible for the problem you have. In fact, in an age dominated by…

Political Theology Network Conference: Call for Papers

…Submit proposals to [email protected] and [email protected] Willing Slaves? Theology, Law, Race Facilitators: Sean Capener and Sara-Maria Sorentino This seminar investigates the relation between theology, philosophy, and law through the aperture…

Black Queer Natural Law: On Brownness and Disidentification

…darkness, but will have the light of life’” (Jn. 8:12). The beauty of this natural law epistemology is that, following Augustine’s dictum that God is interior intimo meo, this search…

God of the Displaced: the Politics of Ruth 1:1-18

…In much the same way as immigrants come to the USA in search of relief from poverty, Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their two sons made their way to Moab…

The “Sunbelt Argument” and the Rise of Christian Reconstructionism

…arguing emphatically for the latter[8] – but, in academia, the bigger push has been the search for the Religious Right’s pre-1970s origins using the Sunbelt-oriented work of McGirr, Lassiter, Michelle…

The Migrant Crisis – Time For An “Instability Tax”?

…situated our wealthy archipelago was, sitting across from the poorest continent on the planet. Some of us were dimly aware that we shared a sea with Africa – a northern…

The Praxis of Organizing by Two American Muslims

…when they got on the train he had a seat, and they did not. One of the women was sleepy, so my dad gave up his seat for her, then…

Announcing New And Forthcoming Books In Political Theology

…welcome reminder of what can be gained when a diversity of experiences and beliefs is brought to bear on American public life.” Wejen, Chang, In Search of the Way: Legal…

The Politics of Divine Kingship—Psalm 113:1-9 (Brad Littlejohn)

…above the heavens. 5 Who is like the LORD our God, who is seated on high, 6 who looks far down on the heavens and the earth? 7 He raises…

The Arminian Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Seas. Kitchener: Batoche Books, 2000 [1609]. ———. The Rights of War and Peace. Translated by John Clarke. edited by Richard Tuck3 vols Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2005 [1625]. ———. The Truth…

Piracy, Politics, and Proximate Justice

…possession of the sea, he answered with bold pride, ‘What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a…