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Sed Contra: How to Deal with Theologians Tweeting Badly

To forego a hermeneutic of charity risks abandoning a central part of the gospel, just as a lack of concern about standing in solidarity with the voiceless, the poor, and the marginalized would do.

Political Leaders and Moral Intelligence

One cannot be politically smart, but willfully wicked. For the leader and for the voter who would be tied to the Scriptures, “smart” is a moral term.

John Milbank’s Twitter Bombshell on the Landscape of Identity-Based Theologies

Williams encouraged me, as a theologian, to be a minister in a variety of contexts, to purposefully place myself in uncomfortable situations, to expand my world beyond what I knew already. James Cone challenged me in the same way…

A “Themed Identity” Theologian Responds to John Milbank

When a white scholar embraces a liberationist perspective it is considered pioneering. When I do it I am being “political” not scholarly, then I get labeled a troublemaker. This is the reality Milbank’s tweet is trying to erase, and the reason I spoke out.

Economics, Politics, and Theologies of  Relationality

A second expression of relationality is covenant. It is a bond between distinct parties where each gives for the flourishing of the other. Unlike contract, which protects interests, covenant protects relationship.

PTN Summer Virtual Workshops

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Political Theology Network presents Summer 2020 Workshop Series online, via Zoom, weekly starting on July 13 until August 24

The Written-out Slaves

When Dalits write, they contest these misrepresentations and objectifications, and provide a sub-version of the texts. When Dalits write, they experience liberation. A decolonial reading of this given text calls us to offer our support and solidarity with #Blacklivesmatter and #Dalitlivesmatter, recognising an agency of liberation in our Dalit and Black bodies, lives, and texts.

Political Theology’s Special Issue: Religious Diversity, Political Theory, and Theology

The journal Political Theology recently released a new issue, 21:4, guest edited by Paul Billingham and Jonathan Chaplin. It is part of an initiative to gather political theorists interested in religion and scholars of religion interested in political theory, and it is being published in coordination with a special issue of the journal Social Theory and Practice.

Defaced Coins in a Utopian Market

Rendering to God what was God’s meant offering our lives as living sacrifices of worship to God, as one would offer coins as tax and tribute to one’s sovereign. The human was theologically monetized—or coined—in the name of dedication to God.

Indigenizing Philosophy through the Land: On the Nature of the Concept

Indigenizing philosophy through the land then is more than a culturally distinct way of philosophizing… it is a process of decolonization in the form of a revitalization of the relational modes of Indigenous life grounded in land as the relational ground of kinship and human beings as grounded in and inextricably entwined with this relational kinship ground.

PTN managing editor transition

Outgoing editor Kyle Lambelet welcomes Wonchul Shin as the new managing editor for the PTN website.