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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

In the Belly of the Colony

…as morphogenesis, which for her also occurs through the Coatlicue state. In wallowing and sinking “deeper and deeper” into the soul, which like mictlan resembles the “place of the dead,”…

The Politics of Resurrection and Resistance—John 20:1-18 (John Allen)

…did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. 10Then the disciples returned to their homes. 11But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she…

Rosenzweig’s The Star of Redemption and the Contemporary Moment

…intervene in any meaningful sense against political violence. In something of a standoff between a system of revelation and a system of reason, Rashkover contrasts Rosenzweig’s political dead-end with Arendt’s…

From Faithful Patriot to Faithful Presence

…immigrants and refugees so deadly—by sealing border cities like El Paso and San Diego to push them to cross through the desert, mountains, and sea—that they will end up deciding…

The Middle East and the Unintended Consequences of Our “Willful Ignorance”

…result we find ourselves on the threshold, as Christopher Dickey writes in The Daily Beast, of the “next great Middle East War”, a deadly and highly plausible triangulation of the…

<strong>Hunger Strike</strong>

…refusal of the life and the death (deadly synonyms) legally manufactured in the deep recesses of an excrescent law–an admixture of ordinary regulations and exceptional powers–which blurs the distinction between…

The Logic of Love from John 10 and Acts 9–Joe Phelps

…answers to their question. These works– water to wine, feeding the multitude, raising the dead–aren’t simply the razzle-dazzle of impressive displays of power. In John, these miracles are signs more…

The Politics of Choosing A Mate (or Two)—Genesis 29:15-28 (Timothy Simpson)

…if the text’s narrator does not. The reason this has to happen is because Rachel and Leah are still out there. They aren’t just dead characters in an old tale….

The Politics of the Unknown God—Acts 17:16-34 (Alastair Roberts)

…the places where they would live, 27 so that they would search for God and perhaps grope for him and find him—though indeed he is not far from each one…

The Faith of the Faith/less?

…refusal and withdrawal. This denial leads to both a ‘deadlock’ in practice and a philosophical ‘dream’ of ‘an absolute, cataclysmic revolutionary act of violence’ (213); to a political paralysis awaiting…

Walter Wink’s Blind Spot: Passivity as Resistance

…a supernatural utopia, the kingdom of God, inhabited by the dead come back to life, to enjoy a world forever rid of evil and wholly ruled by God. Further, he…

Jean-François Lyotard

…in order to believe the Holocaust existed (3-4). The impossibility that someone was both present in this deadly room and is able to speak of it annihilates any possibility of…