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Embodying Compassion: the Theological and Political Content of Disability

…theologies of disability can aid human flourishing, because caring for people of varied abilities made in God’s image allows us all to create more just and compassionate political systems

Patience, Not Panic

Panic leads us into the fruit of the flesh rather than living out the fruit of the Spirit. It distorts the Christian message and often leaves us like burning husks on the side of the road.

Authors’ Response

The rabbinic formation of the goy involved a whole project of Othering, whose medium and toolkit was provided by halakhic discourse, while its ideology was supplemented by the aggadic midrash, where goy is presented as a conduit for the presence of God in the human world and a sure trace for His steps in history.

Hope in God’s Glory and Justice

Our only hope is that the God who will raise us, the God whose justice is glorified, will eventually make all things right. Our trust in our just God should be evident in our words and our works as we live out the proclamation of the gospel.

The Goyish Goy

The Jews is the great constant of this book, persisting from Old Testament to Tel Aviv, as an ahistorical collective, undisturbed by text and politics, what the book calls ethnos, goy. This book’s apriori is the Jews as a goy.

Taxes and Stewardship: Zacchaeus’ Economic Model

True stewardship is about the shift in perspective from climbing up a tree to serve one’s own ends to climbing down to serve others.

Submit now! 2nd Annual Essay Contest

What should hold the field of political theology together? Or, is asking such a question merely an attempt to consolidate hegemony?

Whose Goy?

When the authors speak of “our contemporary,” they must be wary of homogenizing the radically diversified world of contemporary Jewry and their equally diversified others.

The Courage to be Humble

The only true way to achieve success—even success in bringing justice to those who seek it, redistributing wealth towards the poor, and divesting oppressive hierarchies of their power—is to place our faith in God’s will for the world, and to follow God’s will for our lives, no matter where it leads.

#PTNCon2019 – Gil Anidjar and Silvia Federici

Join us for a live stream of the third and final plenary of #PTNCon2019.

#PTNCon2019 – Lap Yan Kung and Najeeba Syeed

Join us for a live stream of the second plenary of #PTNCon2019.

The Poke Between, or the Complex Negativity of the Non-Jew

The real scope of the project emerges when its intellectual polemical core is revealed. The book— a fruit of the shared interests of its authors in philology and political theology– is an attempt to mobilize philology in order to unearth the ground of political theology.