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The Political Theology Network is pleased to spread the word about conferences, calls for papers, and other announcements that fall within the wide ambit of political theology. If you’d like to share information about such an event, please contact us at [email protected].


PTNCON25: Call for Seminar Streams

The Political Theology Network invites proposals for seminar streams for PTNCON25 to be held in Nashville, TN.

PTN Summer Reading Group on Stuart Hall

PTN will convene a reading group on Stuart Hall’s thought.

From the Archives: Apocalypse

For the twenty-fifth anniversary of the journal Political Theology, we are diving into the journal’s archives to share highlights of what we have published. In this installment, here are some of the articles and blog posts we have published on questions of apocalypse and the apocalyptic.

From the Archives: Zionism and Genocide

For the twenty-fifth anniversary of the journal Political Theology, we are diving into the journal’s archives to share highlights of what we have published. In this installment, here are some of the articles and blog posts we have published on questions of apocalypse and the apocalyptic.

Palestine and Political Theology Virtual Event

The journal Political Theology will host an event on “Palestine and Political Theology” April 4 at 2pm eastern.

From the Archives: Just War

For the twenty-fifth anniversary of the journal Political Theology, we are diving into the journal’s archives to share highlights of what we have published. In this installment, here are some of the articles we have published on questions of just war

Announcing the Political Theology Article Contest

The journal Political Theology announces its first ever article contest for all accepted unsolicited submissions in the year 2024. Submit your article now!

From the Archives: Hope

For the twenty-fifth anniversary of the journal Political Theology, we are diving into the journal’s archives to share highlights of what we have published. In this installment, here are some of the articles we have published on questions of hope:

AAR Political Theology Unit Call for Papers – 2024

The deadline for submission to the AAR Annual Meeting’s Political Theology Unit is February 29 (at 5:00pm American EST).

Relaunch of  ‘Political Theologies’ Book Series

The Editors of the Political Theologies book series from Bloomsbury Academics seek book proposals.

Political Theology Conference 2023

Registration is now open for the upcoming Political Theology Conference in Philadelphia, PA, September 7-10.

Political Theology Network Conference: Call for Papers

We are pleased to invite proposals for the 2023 Political Theology Network

Upcoming Political Theology Open House!

The journal Political Theology will host an open house on Wednesday January 11 at Noon, Eastern time US. Register here!

Teologia politica 2022? Political Theology 2022? An International Symposium , June 22-24, 2022

Find details on the international symposium co-organized by Arthur Bradley and Elettra Stimilli, taking place 22-24 June 2022!

PTN Spring Virtual Workshops

Stuck at home? Join the PTN for a series of virtual workshops on supersessionism, sexuality, surveillance, and more.

CFP – Mammon and Morality: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Ethics and Economics

The conference will foster interdisciplinary conversations about ethics and economics, giving special attention to the place of religion and theology in ethical engagement with economics, markets, money, and finance

CFA – University of Edinburgh Religion and Public Life Fellowships

With the Centre for Theology and Public Issues in the School of Divinity, the Institute offers the CTPI Duncan Forrester Fellowship for early-career researchers working in public theology, especially in relation to areas such as peacebuilding and the arts, politics and migration, environmental ethics, and law and justice.

CFA – Lumen Christi Institute Summer Seminars

Topics include “Aquinas’s Five Ways and Where They Lead,” “The Thought of John Henry Newman,” and “Truth and Authority in Augustine’s City of God.”


For the sixth year in a row, we are hosting a party in conjunction with the American Academy of Religion meeting.

CFP – Emerging Scholars in Political Theology 2020-2021

The Political Theology Network invites applications from early-career scholars for its 2020-2021 Emerging Scholars in Political Theology program.

CFP – Nationalism, Populism and Protestant Political Thought

CIRIS invites papers and panel proposals in three categories: ‘Belief and belonging’, ‘Protestantism, neo-Babylonianism and democratic politics’, and ‘Responsibility of churches’.

Down to Earth

Join us for a lecture and conversation with leading ecofeminist theologian and feminist philosopher of religion Dr. Catherine Keller.

Reading group – Michelle Alexander

Join a reading group sponsored by the Political Theology Network treating Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow.

Announcement – Theology of Liberation and Decolonial Thought Summer School

The originality of this school is to bring a decolonial view to Theology of Liberation that is sensitive to questions of coloniality of power, being and knowledge.

CFA – Things That Make for Peace Conference

Proposals are invited for papers that address any aspect of “peace” from within Islamic or Christian frameworks.

Call For Applications – PTN Dissertation Workshop

The goal is to help facilitate completion of the dissertation and to assist students in transitioning to careers. The workshop will also provide students with a network of peers in the field and allow for a discussion about the state of political theology more broadly

CFP: Deprovincializing Political Theology

Is it the case that the European political theology is indeed derived, not from the universal requirements of any sovereign order (as Schmitt sometimes claimed), but rather from specific Christian underpinnings? Or is it the case that a fundamentally similar political ideology, one which depends on the logic of sovereignty rather than on parochial cultural assumptions, can indeed be found elsewhere?

Political Theology, Volume 20, Issues 3 and 4 are now available

New issues from the twentieth year of our journal feature articles on Hobbes, poverty, Indonesia, and more, as well as a special issue on Christos Yannaras.

Call For Proposals – Special Issue of Ecclesial Practices

The essays sought will both demonstrate ongoing ethnographic research and address the questions of the call: how to relate the post-liberal and liberationist motivations behind this work, and/or the gap between fact and norm.

Reminder: Call for papers deadline June 1, 2019

We invite 200-300 word proposals on political theology broadly understood.

Call for Papers – Political Theology and Speculative Fiction

PTN seeks essays that explore the confluences of political theology with either particular texts in the genres of speculative fiction or the imaginative and analytic work involved in speculative fiction as a social practice

Reading group – Frantz Fanon part II

Join a reading group sponsored by the Political Theology Network treating Fanon’s book Black Skin, White Masks.

Call for Papers – 2nd Annual Political Theology Network Conference

We invite proposals of 200-300 words for projects exploring political theology, broadly understood as an interdisciplinary conversation about intersections of religious and political ideas and practices.

Call for Papers – The Spirit of Populism

This international and interdisciplinary conference aims to interrogate both the roles of theology in populism and the roles of populism in theology.

Call for Proposals – Black Muslim Psychology Conference

The dialogue at the 2019 Black Muslim Psychology Conference will explore the impact of internalized oppression, notions of Black inferiority and assumptions of Islamic inauthenticity on identity, well-being and development of Black/African Muslims in the United States.

PTN Dissertation Workshop Spotlight

The workshop provides grants to graduate students to attend the annual meeting and to participate in a half-day workshop, facilitated by senior scholars in the area of political theology.

Reading group: Frantz Fanon

Join a reading group sponsored by the Political Theology Network treating Fanon’s book Black Skin, White Masks.

Announcement – Drew University Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquium

The colloquium hopes to recharge the practical theorizing of political theology at the gathering point of the crises of the present.

Call for Papers – Political Theology as Discernment

The purpose of the conference is to examine the dynamic relationship between politics, as the art of building the structures of shared life, and theology, as the articulation of our interrelatedness in God.

Call for Papers – Signs of the Times: Christianity and Socialism

The department invites proposals from graduate students and early-career scholars working in theological studies, moral theology and ethics, political theology, and related disciplines

Call for Papers – Theologies of Revolution: Medieval to Modern Europe

The workshop aims to address the implications of re-opening historical debate on revolutions which take seriously the input of political-religion.

Call for Papers – Queer Political Theology

The journal invites work that shares its curiosity about how the queer as an ontological, ethico-political, historical, and materialist category worthy of exploration might in itself emerge from the meeting of the political and the theological

Announcement – Migration and Border Crossings Conference

The conference will bring together theologians, legal scholars, artists and leaders of faith communities to explore the causes, processes and effects of global migration

Reading Group: Sylvia Wynter

Join a reading group sponsored by the Political Theology Network treating Wynter’s essay “Unsettling the Coloniality of Being/Power/Truth/Freedom”.

PTN at the AAR 2018

Join PTN on Saturday, November 17 from 7:30-10:30 pm at the Atrium Alcove in the Embassy Suites (1420 Stout St., Denver; just one block from the Convention Center) for our annual reception.

Call for Papers – Religions: “Political Theology and Pluralism”

Religions, a peer-reviewed, open access journal of theology, invites scholars to submit papers for its special issue, “Political Theology and Pluralism.”

Conference – The 2019 Telos-Paul Piccone Institute Conference

The Telos-Paul Piccone Institute, in collaboration with
Deutsches Haus at New York University, is pleased to host the 2019 Telos Conference, “Political Theology Today as Critical Theory of the Contemporary: Reason, Religion, Humanism.”